Tag Archives: News Busters

Right-Wing Sites Losing Their Shit Over Mr. Loop’s Transgender Potty Song for Kids

mrloopsmeismeby Legendary Lew

Rochester, NY children’s entertainer and personal friend (full disclosure), Mr. Loops, released a new music video a little over a week ago, singing about how “everyone needs a place (a bathroom) where they feel safe.”

This song, encouraging respect and acceptance for transgender persons, is a fun little ditty with some common sense understanding of the issue for kids.

For some adults, however, that understanding is a tough task. Breitbart, Charisma News and Newsbusters,  three right-leaning media research sites,  have come down on the entertainer. They blasted the video as “potty propaganda” “endangering our children” and refer to Mr. and Mrs. Loops as a ‘clownish couple.”

One point of high irony from these attacks, of course, is that they’re countered by Loop’s assertion, “we can solve the problem while still remaining friends.” If you want to teach the gentlest approach to bigotry for kids, this video shows how.

The second is that Jon Lewis (Mr. Loops) has received death threats for even posting the video–ironic, since the news gathering websites accuse Mr. Loops of lacking a sense of “safety and respect.” Perhaps, we can expect those morality-based  websites to condemn such attacks, eh?

(NB: No, I will not hyperlink to Breitbart, Newsbusters nor Charisma News. They don’t need the hits from me. Use search engines and you can find the articles quickly.)